Open Kentuckiana. Formerly Louisville's Code for America Brigade

Power Utility Data

When the power is out, it makes peoples’ lives very hard. Things like cooking, bathing, and staying warm become difficult, if not impossible. Because of the importance of electricity in our everyday lives, we have regulators like the Kentucky Public Service Commission to oversee utilities in Kentucky.

But what if consumers or advocates want to dig deeper into power outages to look for trends or better understand why power outages are occurring? How can they get historical data about outages? Until now, there hasn’t been a way.

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March 2019 Meetup Recap

Code for Kentuckiana had our first meeting on March 9, 2019, and it was a great success.

We started the day off with Kehontas Rowe introducing Code for Kentuckiana and its mission, followed by a round of introductions by attendees. We were fortunate to have attendees from a variety of backgrounds, including, but not limited to, social work, law, accounting, software development, IT, housing policy, health policy, urban planning, and more. This is a great mix of background and talents, and we firmly believe that solving big issues requires people from a wide range of backgrounds coming together to work on solving them together. Kehontas also spoke with WAVE 3 about CFK.

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Announcing Code for Kentuckiana

Louisville's Code for America Brigade

Code for Kentuckiana, a local brigade of Code for America, announced its launch today.

Code for Kentuckiana is the official Code for America Brigade for Louisville, Ky. Currently, there are 70+ Brigades across the United States, bringing together community organizers, developers, and designers to use technology to improve the lives of citizens. Code For Kentuckiana’s mission is to organize and advocate for the use of public data and technology to make Louisville and Southern Indiana a more safe, resilient, and equitable place.

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