Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, Tuesday., April 21, 2020 5:30p-7:00p

In attendence: Dawn Howard, Kyle Miller, Robert Khane, Ryane Puckett, Bret Walker
  1. Reading and approval of the minutes.

    • Robert called the meeting to order
    • Miniutes of previous meeting adopted
  2. Reports of Officers, Boards, Standing Committees.

  3. Reports of Special Committees.

    • Discussion of ongoing apps and projects:
      • Bret talked about the status of the renters’ rights app. Still ongoing. Bret will talk to Loren about getting letters and workflows.
      • Robert discussed the teacher site, which is on hold given the COVID crisis.
      • Kyle said CourtBot is on hold, given the closure of the courts.
      • Kyle discussed the importantance of the KentuckianaWorks project. He’s been in discussion with a local developer, Steve, who might want to help, but the developer is very busy right now. Steven and Austin have been in touch in Slack.
  4. Special Orders.

  5. Unfinished Business and General Orders.

  6. New Business.

    • There was discussion of how the group can contribute to COVID relief efforts. Ryane and Robert will reach out to a couple of groups.
    • Bret shared
  7. Adjournment.

    • Meeting adjourned