Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, Monday, July 31, 2019 6:00p-7:30p

Louisville Free Public Main Library Board Room


  • Bret Walker
  • Robert Kahne
  • Chris Harrell
  • Dawn Howard
  • Ryane Puckett
  • Angela Graham
  • Kyle Miller
Reading and approval of the minutes
  • Minutes read and approved unanimously
Addition of new steering committee members
  • Bret moved to add Ryane Puckett, Angela Graham, and Kyle Miller to the Steering Committee. Chris seconded. Approved unanimously.
Reports of Officers, Boards, Standing Committees
  • No reports
Reports of Special Committees
Discussion of renters’ rights app
  • App still in development. Ben Carter from KEJC willing to give more help as needed.
  • Angela interested in working on project with Bret and Loren.
Discussion of teacher exchange app
  • Robert has been in contact with a couple of people who are actively involved in the Kentucky Education Association who are interested in working on this project with us. He is going to follow up with them to figure out next steps.
Discussion of work with Center for Health Equity
  • Robert and Angela discussed prior work and some future work that CFK/RStats might be able to help with.
Discussion of KentuckianaWorks project
  • Bret spoke with Brian Luerman from KentuckianaWorks about KW’s project idea. It’s evolved a little, but seems like something CFK can help with. Bret asked Brian to come to our next event to pitch the idea.
Discussion of adopt-a-drain project
  • Bret met with several people from MSD/LOJIC and found out that not only were they interested in the idea of an adopt-a-drain app, they had built their own and run a pilot program. MSD legal had some concerns that shut the project down. Ryane is going to reach out to her councilwoman to discuss, and Kyle is going to look into the issue as well.
Special Orders
  • No Special Orders
Unfinished Business and General Orders
  • No unfinished business
New Business
Insider Louisville
  • Insider Louisville is shutting down. The committee discussed how we may be able to help preserve an online archive of the important work IL has done. Ryane and Bret are going to reach out to the COO to offer assistance.
Brigade Congress
  • The committee discussed the upcoming brigade congress.
Voting data
  • Robert has collected a lot of voting data, and there was a discussion about hosting this data for public consumption.
  • Meeting adjourned.